Unifying User Identity: Introducing Wunderkind PrivacyID

In today’s digital landscape, customers interact with brands across various devices, platforms, and channels, creating a complex web of identifiers that are difficult to track, let alone unify. Enter Wunderkind’s latest innovation — PrivacyID — a groundbreaking capability designed to solve this very challenge. PrivacyID is the driving force behind our overall Wunderkind Identity solution, which we announced just recently.

What is PrivacyID?

Wunderkind’s PrivacyID is a powerful identity resolution capability that brings together multiple identifiers, such as email addresses, phone numbers, device IDs, and even third-party IDs, into a single, unified user profile. This isn’t just about connecting data points — it’s about creating a complete “user DNA,” a profile that captures behavior and engagement across platforms while adhering to strict privacy regulations.

By leveraging PrivacyID, we create a comprehensive and accurate understanding of a user, allowing us to personalize marketing efforts more effectively and efficiently. This is a game-changer for brands looking to connect the dots across their marketing channels.

How does it work?

PrivacyID works by linking multiple identity markers — emails, phone numbers, hashed identifiers, and device IDs—into a single graph, creating a rich profile of each user. By connecting these data points, PrivacyID enables brands to better understand their customers’ behaviors and preferences, from the devices they use to the ways they interact with marketing content.

The business value of PrivacyID

One of the key benefits of PrivacyID is its ability to boost identification rates, especially for SMS marketing, where accurate phone numbers are critical. By unifying various identifiers, brands using Wunderkind see significant improvements in their text and email performance — higher deliverability, better targeting, and increased conversion rates.

This unified approach doesn’t just increase reach, it directly impacts revenue. The ability to identify and communicate with customers across devices and channels leads to more personalized and efficient marketing campaigns, which translates into measurable business outcomes.

What makes Wunderkind PrivacyID unique?

What sets Wunderkind apart from the competition is the depth and scale of the data that PrivacyID provides. While many marketing solutions offer limited identification methods, Wunderkind’s PrivacyID offers a holistic view of each customer, connecting fragmented identities into one cohesive profile. This allows brands to deliver more relevant, personalized messages — whether through email, SMS, or ads — ultimately driving better performance and greater customer engagement.

Additionally, as PrivacyID is part of the engine that underpins Wunderkind’s Autonomous Marketing Platform, it plays a crucial role in how data drives personalized marketing strategies. As we continue to enhance our platform, the depth of user insight provided by PrivacyID will only expand, feeding into smarter, more adaptive campaigns that deliver real results.

Want to learn more about PrivacyID and the Wunderkind Autonomous Marketing Platform? Join our virtual panel webinar on October 9th and get the full scoop on our recent Wunderkind Identity announcement.


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Patrick Tripp

A frequent industry event speaker, musician, and fractional CMO, Patrick has over 20 years of experience in the technology, consulting, and marketing industries. He was recently voted one of the Top 100 Product Marketing Influencers of 2022 by the PMA. He is certified in Product Marketing and Management three times from the Pragmatic Institute and serves as an ambassador for the Product Marketing Alliance. He holds an MBA in Marketing from Boston University.