What’s New With Wunderkind Text: Segmentation Edition

We’re excited to share some powerful new updates to the Wunderkind Connect platform that will take your text messaging strategy to the next level! As more and more consumers turn to their mobile devices for shopping, text messaging remains one of the most effective ways to reach your audience directly. It’s a personal channel where customers expect to receive messages that are not just relevant but tailored specifically to them. That’s why our new text segmentation capabilities are a game-changer — they’re designed to help you connect with your audience in a way that feels more personal, more relevant, and more meaningful.

These new features make it easier than ever to send the right message to the right subscriber segment. In addition to our existing capabilities, brands can now segment their subscribers based on whether they’ve received or clicked on any of your previous texts, create segments based on membership in other segments, and apply dynamic logic to custom segment uploads. These tools are all about empowering you to engage with your audience more effectively and creatively, making sure your messages truly stand out in a crowded mobile landscape.

Here are five new features that will make your life easier, and your customers happier – just in time for Black Friday/Cyber Monday season.

Text segmentation updates

1. Segment based on whether a subscriber has received and/or clicked through any text message

This segmentation enhancement enables our clients to leverage engagement data directly in the Wunderkind Connect platform. A few use cases for this update include:

  • The ability to “frequency cap” users from certain sends. For example, if a user has received or clicked through a text in the last two days, then don’t send them an additional text message campaign.
  • The ability to segment based on engagement. For example, if a user has received but has not clicked through a text, then send them a follow-up message to increase their chances of returning to your site.

Recommendation: Take advantage of this Wunderkind product enhancement to more thoughtfully and strategically communicate with engaged and disengaged users via the text channel.

2. Segment based on whether a subscriber is or is not a member of another segment

This product update allows brands to include or exclude an existing segment within a new segment. This enhancement streamlines the segment-building process while opening up opportunities for new strategic use cases, including:

  • The ability to target multiple distinct segments with the same message. For example, combine pre-existing cart mop-up and sale mop-up segments into one single segment.
  • The ability to send a campaign to users in specific geographic locations about new store openings.
  • The ability to exclude an existing segment from a new segment. For example, if a brand prefers to send two slightly different variations of the same message to different segments, while mitigating any duplicate sends, for testing purposes.

3. Apply dynamic logic to a custom segment upload in Connect

This product enhancement empowers our clients to upload a custom segment list, and then apply dynamic logic to that segment – all within Connect.

Other text updates

In addition to the above segmentation advancements, our Product and Engineering teams have also released a couple of other stellar feature updates in the Wunderkind Connect platform. These enhancements streamline the segment, campaign, and reporting processes, improving the overall user experience in Connect, and making it that much easier for our clients to take advantage of text as a cost-efficient, personalized marketing channel.

1. Trigger on-demand test text sends before setting campaigns live

Available across the U.S., U.K., and Canada, this feature enables our clients to trigger and preview test on-demand campaigns directly via Connect. Now, users can quickly and easily send test texts to their mobile messaging app(s), verifying that on-demand campaigns will be delivered as intended. This feature presents a streamlined opportunity for clients to review copy, imagery, UTM parameters, etc., in their on-demand texts, adding another layer of protection against errors in campaigns before go-live.

2. View real-time text reporting in Connect

Now available in the Aggregate Reports sections of Connect, users can filter their date range as “Today” and view on-demand and behavioral text metrics in nearly real-time. This feature enables our clients to monitor on-demand message metrics almost immediately after sending.

Gain more control over your text message strategy

The latest updates to the Wunderkind Connect platform are designed to give you even more control over your text messaging strategy. By offering advanced segmentation capabilities and powerful new features, we’re making it easier than ever to connect with your audience in a way that feels individualized and meaningful. Whether you’re looking to refine your messaging, avoid redundant sends, or simply ensure that your texts are delivered exactly as intended, these enhancements are all about empowering you to get the most out of your mobile marketing efforts.

We’re committed to helping you navigate the evolving mobile landscape with revenue-generating tools that are not only innovative but also intuitive and easy to use. With these new features at your fingertips, you can engage your customers more thoughtfully and strategically, driving deeper connections with your subscribers and more efficient, sustainable revenue growth. We’re excited to see how you’ll use these enhancements to make your text messaging campaigns even more effective — and as always, we’re here to support you every step of the way.


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Sarah Hall

Sarah Hall is a Product Marketing Manager at Wunderkind. She holds a Bachelor’s degree from Washington and Lee University, with an established track record in digital product and customer-facing roles. Sarah enables the success of the Product, Sales, and Customer Success teams by conducting extensive competitive intelligence research, developing effective product messaging and positioning, and building compelling marketing materials.

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