President’s Day 2025: 5 Marketing Tips for Success

President’s Day is a time when we celebrate George Washington’s birthday and honor all presidents, past and present. However, rather than blowing out 292 candles for our inaugural commander in chief, consumers traditionally spend the long weekend tackling long-put-off home improvement tasks. While President’s Day doesn’t have the fireworks of the Fourth of July or the feasts of Thanksgiving, it’s a significant event for brands, especially in the furniture sector, as the first big spending weekend of the year and an opportunity to ramp up for a successful 2025.

As we enter Q4 and consumers are preoccupied with purchasing candy, costumes, and pumpkin-spiced everything, forward-thinking marketers know that now is the time to get ready for a strong start to 2025. As always, those who win will connect with consumers using the right message, on the right channel, at the right time. To help you achieve just that, here are 5 top tips for optimizing your marketing for President’s Day 2025.

  1. Start early with a solid email and text strategy

Furniture purchases aren’t typically impulse buys. Shoppers tend to research big-ticket items over time, often jumping between multiple tabs and visiting several retailers before committing. To capture this audience, start your campaigns early. Launching President’s Day offers in early January will give you a strong foundation to engage both early planners and last-minute shoppers.

Exclusive data from the 2024 Consumer Insights Report for Digital Commerce reveals that email and text are the most effective channels for reaching furniture shoppers, with nearly half (49%) preferring email and an additional 22% opting for text when receiving tailored offers from retailers’ websites they’ve visited.

2. Send messages based real-time user behavior

An average email drives only $0.04 in revenue compared to $0.95 from Wunderkind. The difference lies in personalized messaging triggered by real-time user behavior. “Send all” no longer cuts it from either a customer or brand perspective.

Email allows for personalization that resonates with the long decision-making process. Highlight your best offers early and retarget visitors with personalized messages based on their browsing behavior. Similarly, use text as a follow-up tool to create urgency with reminders about sales ending soon.

By recognizing online shoppers regardless of cookie or login status, and across multiple devices, browsers, and sessions, Wunderkind drives 5-10% of all digital revenue for its clients and is 138% more efficient than Google CPC or Meta ads.

3. Create an irresistible offer and flash sales

With the tightening of personal finances and ongoing economic headwinds, consumers are savvier than ever when searching for the perfect deal. One of the best-performing tactics during President’s Day sales is the use of limited-time offers or flash sales. Time-bound deals create a sense of urgency, encouraging customers to make quick decisions, especially when it comes to high-value items like furniture.

Data from the 2024 CMO report suggests that scarcity and urgency are powerful motivators, with 19% of cart abandonments occurring because consumers wanted to check for better deals. By leveraging flash sales, one Wunderkind furniture retailer increased conversions by nearly 20% during President’s Day by running exclusive morning-to-noon deals.

4. Optimize for mobile-first experiences

Over 70% of website visits during peak sales periods like President’s Day happen on mobile. Ensuring that your mobile website is optimized for a seamless shopping experience is critical. A smooth mobile experience that includes fast-loading pages, easy navigation, and clear calls-to-action will help reduce bounce rates and increase conversions.

One furniture brand saw an 8% increase in mobile conversion rates by improving mobile site speed and simplifying the checkout process. Consumers want a frictionless mobile journey, so prioritize mobile optimization to capture the growing audience that shops via their phones.

5. Turn unknown website traffic into known with identity resolution 

With the continued uncertainty surrounding third-party tracking cookies and their poor ROI, furniture marketers need a better way to connect with consumers and deliver the digital experiences they expect from the brands they purchase.

First-party data and identity resolution have become crucial tools for retargeting. Wunderkind Identity monitors over 2 trillion behavioral signals annually, helping marketers and publishers identify anonymous traffic, increase email and text revenue, and power personalized messaging at scale. While 95% of website traffic is anonymous, Wunderkind Identity matches 10x more traffic to an email address than cookies or ESPs.

Cart abandonment is common in the furniture industry, as customers often need time to consider large purchases. Having a solid retargeting strategy in place, supported by Wunderkind Identity, can make the difference between lost sales and conversions.

How Wunderkind can help furniture brands win big on President’s Day

Furniture brands need outcomes, not just tools, to capitalize on President’s Day. Wunderkind’s proven marketing strategies, which combine personalized email and text campaigns with powerful identity resolution, drive more conversions and guaranteed revenue. With our identity-first approach and AI-powered platform, we guarantee a performance boost — making your President’s Day campaign one to remember.

And keep in mind that what works — or doesn’t work — can also be applied to Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Fourth of July weekend, and beyond.

Identifying website traffic can play a key role in increasing your database of contacts.
Learn all about identity resolution in our ebook.
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Danny O'Reilly

Danny O’Reilly is a seasoned writer specializing in the martech space with a focus on zero- and first-party data, personalization and loyalty. Also an avid runner with over 12k Instagram followers, Danny aims to inspire, educate and entertain through his thought leadership and copywriting skills. You’ll find his work across the Wunderkind website, thankfully. Enjoy.