Bose | case study

Bose Partners with Wunderkind to Drive Awareness & Consideration


increase in Brand Consideration


above benchmark in Brand Awareness


increase in Message Association


Bose struggled with brand perception and consumer familiarity in the marketplace as they aimed to differentiate themselves from other electronic retailers. As a result, Bose fell behind on their price-to-value ratio and had the largest consideration-to-conversion gap among competitors.


Wunderkind’s animated display and high impact ads were designed to exhibit Bose Earbuds’ high-quality, immersive sound experience. Surrounding contextually relevant inventory, the campaign targeted music lovers, aiding in driving brand awareness and (more importantly) consideration. Partnering with Lucid, Bose was able to make real time optimizations toward units that were driving site traffic. The targeting strategy was RON with SSP Data: Leveraging Pubmatic’s data integrations, Wunderkind sent data-layered bids to the DSP, allowing Bose to target music and tech premium audio buyers. The creative strategy involved Wunderkind’s creative services team created videos with branded skin and animated display high impact to highlight the buds’ features, quality, and sleek design.


On top of the impressive increases highlighted above in Brand Consideration, Brand Awareness, and Message Association – this campaign also delivered a 236% increase in ad recall, and an 18.5% increase in CTR. Brand Awareness had a 22% lift among the a key demographic, respondents ages 25-34, who were exposed via OLV.

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