Major Pharma Brand Drives Awareness and Engagement for New Product Launch with WunderKIND Ads

CTR [outperformed benchmark by 95%]
Brand awareness lift
Diva Renton-Roderix, Senior Manager, Marketing, Wunderkind
In an industry where new treatments are frequently introduced, cutting through the noise was critical. The brand needed a strategy that would differentiate the product from existing options while ensuring compliance with regulatory standards without sacrificing engagement. It was essential to target key demographics effectively, focusing on specific age groups and income brackets, and to maintain high visibility without disrupting the user experience.
Wunderkind partnered with the pharmaceutical company to create a custom advertising strategy designed for maximum engagement. The campaign utilized premium proprietary inventory to ensure high visibility while delivering non-intrusive ad experiences that appeared only when users disengaged from publisher content. A Lucid brand lift study was integrated to measure ad effectiveness in terms of awareness, consideration, and recall. Wunderkind’s in-house creative team adapted existing brand assets into animated, high-impact display units featuring scrolling ISI (Important Safety Information) to maintain regulatory compliance while capturing user attention. Additionally, the campaign employed advanced targeting strategies, combining proprietary audience data with third-party segments to maximize reach among the most relevant demographics
The campaign delivered outstanding results, validating the power of WunderKIND Ads in the pharmaceutical space. Brand awareness saw a 1.5% overall lift, reinforcing product recognition among the target audience. Awareness increased by 5.6% among households earning $50,000–$75,000, a key segment for the product, while individuals aged 55-64 experienced a 3.2% lift, demonstrating the campaign’s effectiveness in reaching crucial demographics. By combining innovative ad formats with strategic targeting, Wunderkind helped the pharmaceutical brand achieve meaningful engagement, increased recall, and stronger brand consideration—ensuring a successful product launch in a crowded market. Through thoughtful creative execution and a data-driven approach, Wunderkind’s ad strategy proved instrumental in driving awareness while maintaining compliance and user-friendly experiences. This success story underscores how Wunderkind’s high-impact, post-content ads can revolutionize digital advertising in regulated industries like pharmaceuticals.